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W210 EIS 68HC05 read with VVDI Prog? Xprog? MB Sta

Which tool can read Mercedes W210 EIS 65HC05? I have a vvdi prog and I’m looking for a Xprog-m?

Here you go. Users will tell you yes or no.


Xhorse VVDI Prog can read Mercedes W210 EIS 68HC05?

Can’t! W210 eis 68hc05 inside. 2 piece
Vvdi prog does not know about 68hc05
Only hc908 and hc912

it has been ignored due to the fact that many other early programmers can do, such as Orange5 or ETL, it’s being re considered though expect it to be added soon, however this dose not mean that Vvdi Prog is useless cause many other tools Resellers r using this to point out that it’s useless for new comers


Mb Star tool (sd connect) is able to read EIS 68HC05 from W210?

Yes. But I think that it not easy to do with EIS.

the dump files in MCU already damage so the solution need new dump files to generate key and write back to Both MCU> Renew ESL with ak400 or AVDI (if you renew ESL it work find with your new key no need adaptation with MB Star) > Renew you ECM and Coding with MB Star. another way is EIS KEY ESL ECM take from one vehicle. I have dump file for C280 W202 gasoline engine

P.s. above solution is for gasoline engine

i’m not sure with diesel engine ( Make virgin for ECM or not)


ETL programmer read Mercedes W210 EIS?

Yes. I’m using ETL programmer and successfully programmed dumps got from chylow to the EIS MCUs

I took the original one that is expected to be corrupted. I desoldered the CPUs and read EEPROMs with ETL programmer.

the attached dumps… it’s ok now



Xprog M read out W210 EIS 68HC05?

Yes… gotta desolder the MCU

Refer to remove W210 EIS easily:

Then read out off circuit on x-prog, with Motorola HC05 adapter



But, some expert read W210 EIS without soldering

He did like this, also with a Xprog programer










(0D69J 1D69J 0D53J and other x32 Motorola can be easily readed with BDM Adapter.)

Note: credits to all contributors

I have to say, reading EIS is one headache.

If you use hot gun don’t put temperature over 250

First, crappy XPROG can’t read that motorola, bad clone have corrupted firmware and if you try to read it, xprog will erase eeprom and you have all FF FF FF FF. So, so far a HQ XPROG programmer if you want do it with a clone tool.

Next thing, if you want to make new key and adapt EIS, forget about it if you don’t have some ORI tool for that.

You need to clone EIS to new one if EIS is damaged, or if key is damaged, you need to read eprom KEY or eprom EIS and make new dump for key NEC or MOTOROLA.

DONT TRY to do it with AK400, CODEMASTER can’t make proper key.

You don’t need virgin EIS, find new one with key, make ESL virgin and adapt it with MB STAR Tool, HQ clone or original.